Conquer Your Dream (Kids)

Creative Direction & Art Direction

Portuguese Football Federation marketing campaign “Conquer your Dream” had different point of views and targets, but always one unique goal: to inspire others to fight for their dreams, by example, showing that there’s no impossibles in life.
One of these targets were the young audience. They see the players as their idols, and there’s so much to teach the kids about the values that are important to keep in life, as in sports. More than inspire, this project was special and pioneer, because no other national team had ever did something like this, knowing their place in society and the importance of that same place.

Portuguese Football Federation
this was part of “Conquer Your Dream” campaign
Video 1 — A tua Seleção (Your team)

Role — Creative Director
Co-Creative Direction – Ricardo Galrito
Music — Ricardo Galrito, Joel Cabeleira Costa
Illustration and Animation — Sardinha em Lata
Producer — Diogo Carvalho
Illustration by João Lopes da Silva, from Sardinha em Lata.
Illustration by João Lopes da Silva, from Sardinha em Lata.

Since the beginning of the project, i found in Ricardo Galrito (Co-Creative Director) a essential piece on this puzzle. Ricardo’s background as a teacher for young children, and musician his entire life, gave him a very clear vision of where and how would be important and essential to act and communicate.
This videos were not just random pieces. They were part of a bigger thing. We were going to launch a musical for kids and their parents.
This musical, made with real actors in theaters across the country, were going to tell the story of some of our main characters and the spirit of family and friendship that lives within the teams of Portugal.
We were going to teach values and to inspire others with this storytelling, always in a fun way and with tones of music.
The videos were a promotion for the musical and for the physical CD, that was for sale in major stores.
The challenge and amount of work was huge, but so was our dream.
My son loved the musics and videos. For me that’s a winning already, and a Conquered Dream.

Boy’s dream – That’s what Cristiano Ronaldo has written inside his boots.

Portuguese Football Federation
this was part of “Conquer Your Dream” campaign
Video 1 — Conquista o Sonho (Conquer your Dream)

Role — Creative Director
Co-Creative Direction – Ricardo Galrito
Music — Ricardo Galrito, Joel Cabeleira Costa
Illustration and Animation — Sardinha em Lata
Producer — Diogo Carvalho


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