Answer Back
on the Pitch

Creative Direction – Film

For the first time in the history of women’s football in Portugal, the national team was qualified for a European Cup. It was a great achievement that needed to be highlighted. But, in fact, there was much more to tell than this. With this campaign the intention was to show to the most skeptical and critical voices for women’s football how wrong they are. A response to all those who think this sport is only for men. It is the fight for gender equity. And these ladies, these athletes prove every day in the pitch their value.
‘Answer Back in the Pitch’ is football and it is social responsibility. And this couldn’t be possible without the great help and creative minds of Rui Vieira and Miguel Durão, who had the concept and wrote the entire piece. My job was pretty easy on this one.


Portuguese Football Federation, July 2017

Role — Creative Director
Concept Idea & Script — Rui Vieira, Miguel Durão
Directed by — Rui Vieira
DOP — Leandro Ferrão
Production — Playground

Some Facts:

— This was the first time in history that Portugal got qualified for an European Cup of women’s football;

— They were at the 38th position at the national teams world ranking, and they got a place in the best 16 of Europe with the qualification;

— In 2017 the number of new athletes at women’s football in Portugal has grown 34%.

We fought a lot to be here. We did it. We left everything that we have in the pitch.

– Cláudia Neto, team captain.

Art Direction by me, for the launch of match days events on Facebook.

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